Inspired by the Arctic Nature

The Arctic Home WoolSweaters are inspired by the four seasons of Arctic nature. How lucky we are to be able to breathe the world's cleanest air, hiking in the forests and fells, enjoy the current season, and at the same time wait a little bit for the next one.

We design and knit WoolSweaters by ourselves from responsible and sustainable materials. WoolSweaters can be ordered in your own size and your favourite colors. Contact us using the contact form below. Tell us which model you are interested in, and let´s plan the size and color together. The price of the WoolSweaters varies between about €150 and €350, depending on the size and the selected yarn.


The arctic summer with its gentle winds invites you to the nature to enjoy its awakening to blooming.

Metsässä (In the Forest) has got its name from walking in the fabric forest, its conifers, and their delicate cute blossoms.
Metsänkukka (Forest Flower) is named after the lovely flowers and maidens found in old natural forests.
Villivadelma (Wild Raspberry) reminds of the treasure caches of the Nordic wilderness. How wonderful it is to find berries in special places on a forest trip and taste their sweetness.
Sara hay sways in the wind and rustles gently. Eventually, it bursts into a cob-like bloom.
Silmu (The bud) sweater reflects the joy when you notice buds on tree branches while walking in the forest. After a long winter, summer is finally here.



Autumn brings with it a splendor of colors, cooler weather and balmy evenings. The WoolSweater warms you in the cooling air.

Ruska (Colorful Autumn) got its name from the splendor of autumn colors. Falling leaves and the ground colors paint and illuminate the landscape with wonderful bright hues.
Liekki (The Flame) is reminiscent  the of gentle warmth of a campfire and a candle. Flames also set the thoughts on fire in the darkening evening.
Utu (Misty) tells the story of misty autumn mornings, when the shades of nature intertwine together and you can feel the moisture in the air.
Kaarna (Bark) is a rough feeling on the surface of pine. When you hug the wood and feel the rough surface of the bark, you notice their antiquity and individual uniqueness.


Winter always surprises. Suddenly it's here and the white snow wraps nature in a cold embrace. All over is pure white snow, and winter's wind invites you to explore and breathe in arctic nature.

Aurora (Aurora Borealis) are named according to the Northern Lights, which are dancing mystically in the northern sky in their brilliant colors on cold, clear nights.
Porot Tunturissa (Reindeer in the Fells) tell a story about free and wild reindeer in the fells. Even though the reindeer live as a herd, not in families, it's cute sometimes to thinking of a reindeer family wandering together in the fells.
Lumo (The Enchantment) of winter is born from the shimmering snow, that sparkle like crystals in the arctic nature. Could it be, that instead of jewels, these sparkle moments would be enough for us, northern inhabitants?
Muistoja (Memories) lead us through the deepest Polar Night with warm memories of family, friends and past and future seasons.


In spring, as the light increases, nature slowly starts to come alive. Birds are chirping, snow are sparkling and nature invites you to adventure.

Kevätlintu (The Spring Bird) tells the story of the first migratory birds, whose singing in the nature makes you realize that spring has arrived.
Vaarala got its name from many hills of the arctic forests, where it is wonderful to ski in the spring when the sun warms up.
Rakka (Rocky Outcrop) is called on hikes through the fells of arctic nature. What an eye-popping sight it is to look at a vast rocky outcrop that suddenly opens up in the middle of the forest. Each stone is unique and hides a lot of history.
Jääpuikot (Icicles) got their name from a friend's wish. As the sun heats up, the chrystal clear icicles driping with water, glistening on the banks of streams and in majestic rows on the edges of the roofs of buildings. They tell you that spring is here.
Solina reflects the soothing murmur of streams, when they are freed from ice and snow after a long winter, already warmed by the sun.